Thursday, January 19, 2012

Let's Do Something EXTRAORDINARY

Let's Do Something EXTRAORDINARY
With One Simple Act: LOVE

This past week our youth attended REV Conference 2012. We had an amazing time and walk away from the conference with so much. Friday we entered into worship, which by the way was amazing. No help from the Explorers, lol! Long story if you have no idea what I’m talking about. Then Adam Roth took the stage to bring the message of how A.D.D. is okay, lol! Just kidding that wasn’t what his message was on but he did claim to be a black belt in A.D.D. From my view, he mastered it! Adam is a great guy, definitely in love with Christ as he brought his message on the Father’s love. If anything stuck, it was his story at the end with a father and a troubled teenage son, Micah. I’d love to share it with anyone that wants to hear it or you could ask one of the youth. Or I may post it later.

Saturday students gathered back together to get breakfast at Mcadee’s and get juiced up on “Christian Crack”. Calm down! We’re talking about coffee, no body wanted to be a zombie walking around.
The day was full of worship, morning speaker Trey Major, several break out sessions, evening speaker Adam Roth and don’t forget food.

I attended a Leadership Breakout-Class with a few of our youth that hit home for me as minister of youth. I thought I was the only one that had trouble motivating people but as a leader it encouraged me to not give up because Christ doesn’t give up on us.
We also attended a Discipleship class and a Creative Arts class which were both very good.

There’s a lot we can do in our church, from programs, ministries, service, etc. But if we don’t have love it’s all pointless.

Accept the Love of the Father
And spread that love to others.

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

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