Saturday, May 14, 2011

Senior Night

Wow, another school year has gone by! Sunday night we had our Senior night at the church honoring those who were graduating. We had seven high school students and one kindergarten graduate. Our praise team led worship and Bro. Wendell brought the message from Joshua 3 talking about the Israelites going into the promise land. The scripture focused on the ones carrying the Ark of the Covenant and coming to the Jordan River and having to step into the water with faith that God would pull back the waters for them to cross. But only after they put their faith into action. Sometimes we wait for God to lay it all out with all the details. But in this case, God wanted to see if they were willing to trust in Him. Are you ready to trust in Him? As Seniors move onto the next chapter of their lives they're faced with taking that next step. Will they put their trust in God to lead them into this next chapter? Will they let God lead and guide them as they as they plan for their future? We'll continue to lift up these Seniors in prayer as they go out to become leaders in our world. God Bless and Congratulations Senior of 2011!

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