Thursday, September 1, 2011

30 Days of Prayer


30 Days of Prayer
This was the challenge I threw at the students as we come into the month of September. Twenty-eight days from now students will gather around flagpoles all around this country. They will unite, come together, CONVERGE for one purpose and that is to pray. Pray for what you ask. Their school, their classmates, their teacher, their community, the nation and its leaders.
See You At The Pole (SYATP) September 28th.
But why wait till then? I asked students, both Junior High and High School if they'd be willing to pray for the entire month of September leading up to SYATP. If each morning they gather in small groups at school to pray for their lost classmates and that the Gospel of Christ would be shared through their lives.
The challenge was taken and several students signed up to lead prayer each morning of this month. Join them as they pray each morning. At the same time remember them as well. These students need prayer warriors as they go onto that campus each morning.

CONVERGE: To come together and unite in a common interest or focus.

Let's focus on whats necessary, the lost souls headed for death (HELL).
It's real and we need to get real when it comes to talking with God.
Step into a time of prayer; let it become a lifestyle not just a religious exercise.
Let us speak to God telling him what's on our hearts and be ready to listen to His response.

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