Thursday, October 4, 2012

Are You A Warrior?

Since the end of August I've been training to run the Warrior Dash. For the ones that don't know what Warrior Dash is: Warrior Dash is an extreme 5k running race with at least 12 obstacles, including jumping over fire and crawling through mud with barbed wire hung overhead.

Having never ran over a mile in my life I decided before hitting the battleground that I should at least see what 3.11 miles looks like. A week into training I signed up with my wife's family to run the One In A Million 5k in Livingston. Well we all finished and I accomplished something I've never done before.

So knowing this Warrior Dash was going to be more than 3.11 miles of paving I knew I'd have to prepare. Now before you think I went all P90X or Insanity I just want to clarify that I will not be setting a winning time at the Warrior Dash. However I do know I will finish along with three of my friends. For the past 7 week I've been running twice a week with strength workouts throughout the week. Knowing it will be a lot different from the three miles we've been running, I pray we are able to run, climb, crawl, swim, and jump through that battleground victoriously.

Zechariah 10:5
They will be like mighty warriors in battle, trampling their enemies in the mud under their feet. Since the Lord is with them as they fight, they will overthrow even the enemy’s horsemen.

Okay so this isn't exactly talking about Warrior Dash but I love that God is with us and will give his children strength.

Zechariah 10:12
By my power I will make my people strong, and by my authority they will go wherever they wish. I, the Lord, have spoken!”

Zechariah's commentary and footnotes are great as well.
They shall have God’s favor and presence, and shall be owned and accepted of Him. This is the foundation of all the rest: The Lord is with them, Zech. 10:5. They are encouraged to expect strength and success from Him in all their struggles with the enemies. He espouses their cause, takes their part, is on their side; and, if He be for them, who can be against them?

Warrior Dash is Oct 13th and I am looking forward to posting some pictures as well.

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