Friday, July 26, 2013

Faith, Patience, Waiting and Trust

I shared this with our Young Adults Ministry and wanted to share it with everyone else.

Okay so I know not many of yall are married but I wanted to share this devotion to all of you. In the past we’ve talked about our purpose in life, where we’re at in life, what we desire in life and what we’re pursuing, etc. Towards the end of the devotion you’ll see the statement “waiting is closely associated with faith”. We claim we have faith but honestly we can be some impatient people. We desire to know what God has in store for us “His Will” but are we truly willing to wait? We trust what we can see so we search and find life answers on our own. 
This isn’t Faith in God.

Faith: firm belief and complete trust in and loyalty to God (Webster’s)

Are we placing our lives, our trust completely in God’s hands?
Maybe it’s time to give him complete control of your life’s directions and choices. And when you do wait patiently, it’s in those times that your faith has the chance to grow.
Hope you enjoy the scripture and short story below…

Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD -- Psalm 27:14

Because of a set of unfortunate circumstances, my wife and I were living in a place and working a job that was not our long-term choice. I sought other positions. One opportunity availed itself. They made an offer, but it didn't seem right. So we turned it down, knowing that something more to our liking would present itself soon. It did not.

We continued to work and to wait for well over a year before another offer was made. This was a most difficult time. We tried to be strong and not lose heart, but it was difficult. We doubted our decision regarding the previous opportunity. We questioned God. We wondered when he would show up and do something about our situation. Our faith was stretched and pulled.

Many times, I don't like to wait. In some circumstances, I am not a patient person. Often, I am like a child at Christmas, eagerly anticipating the time to open presents. Each hour seems like an eternity. When the time arrives, I can't move fast enough to the Christmas tree so the presents can be opened.

Waiting may be the single hardest thing we have to do. In the Bible, waiting is closely associated with faith. Sometimes the words are used interchangeably. While we may not like it, waiting is a necessary part of the Christian life. What God does in us while we wait is as important as what it is we are waiting for. Waiting is not easy. It may bring pain. It will try us and test us. It demands patience. It exacts a price.

Yet if we are patient, waiting may turn out to be our greatest blessing. Because I waited, God provided an opportunity where we spent the next fifteen years. His timing was perfect. Our part was to trust with a confident, disciplined, patient waiting for his will to be revealed.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. 

–Proverbs 3:5-6

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