Wednesday, April 6, 2011


A baby room filled with pink and blue ballons and the little ultrasound picture framed up.

Yes, its true we have another bundle of joy on the way. God has blessed us with another baby due November 15, 2011. This time I decided to set up the video camera as we told the grandparents and friends hoping to catch a good reaction. Some people understood the pink and blue ballons and some didn't. LOL! Mom.
I'll attach the video later of my mother wondering what all the ballons were for.

We're excited, even Maddox is waiting on his little brother or sister.
Maddox in his "I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER" t-shirt

P.S. - the annoucement fell on April fools day...don't ever joke about a pregnancy with grandparents. They didn't appreciate the joke! But I told them quickly that I was just joking about the April Fools.
No, we're not finding out what we're having, it's a surprise for all!

Psalms 127:3 
Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.

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