Thursday, April 21, 2011

Young Adults Crawfish Boil

John 9:25 "I was blind but now I see!"

What would it be like to be blind? Let’s say blind from birth.
You've never had the chance to see color, the chance to see the sun rise or set.
You've never seen your mother's or father's face or even your own.
You could never look down a path to see where it leads or what your next step would encounter.
You lived step by step never seeing what the future had for you.
Would this be an independent lifestyle or a dependent one?
This vision of what the future holds sometimes goes through the mind of the young.
I can't speak for all but after I graduated High School I went through a time similar to this.
Yes, I could physically see but I had no idea what was next in my life. And I know a lot of young adults are living the same way; step by step, day by day.
This past Friday we had a crawfish boil to kick off the first Young Adults Meeting.
Not knowing exactly what to expect, we followed the Lord's lead as He put it on several hearts to put this event together.
We had around 25-30 young adults show up. We started the night off with Bro Wendell welcoming everyone and blessing the food. Then we dug into some crawfish as people gathered around tables fellowshipping. It was pretty exciting to see people connecting with each other.
Bro Kirk shared a few words about the vision that God laid on our hearts; for young adults to connect with each other, but most of all that for those young adults to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. In most churches there is a void or lack of young adults and we're hoping and praying for God to show us what needs to be done in the church to fill that void.  
As a youth minister it hit hard on me. Approximately 7 years of a teenager’s life is invested into youth group, and then they're left to fend for themselves after graduation. Most churches have nothing for this age group therefore they wonder out into the world not knowing what to expect or which way to go. "Blind"!
We prepare them, then drop them into the world and expect their relationship with Christ to survive with no spiritual guidance in this new chapter of their lives. Guilty, as I've watched many walk out the doors after graduation with a pat on the back and a graduation card expecting their return.
(Sorry I've went off track a little)
But then I had the opportunity to bring scripture to the group at the crawfish boil; as we spoke about this blind man in John 9.
It reflected on some of our lives. How we are overwhelmed with stress, decisions, problems, and worries, and we can easily get lost. However just like the blind man in the story we can find guidance through God because He loves us no matter where we are. When we drift and get lost, God will gently tug at our hearts to lead us in the right direction, towards His will for our lives. Then we can claim just like the blind man "once I was blind but now I can see."
As many people search for direction we can only find that guidance and direction through a relationship with Christ.
We ended the night with some Wii bowling, it was a good night. I'm excited to see what God has in store for this group and how He will move in each one of their lives. Keep this group in your prayers, and also us as we stay obedient on where He will guide us.
Proverbs 3:6
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

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