Monday, July 11, 2011

10 Ways To Stay Connected After Camp

1.  Tell us what camp meant to you.
Share with the church, other students, friends, family, and of course your parent/guardian. God has worked in each students life, I'd hate for that not to be shared. So ask a Student!

2.  Follow Up! If you made a decision help encourage them to follow through.
If you're a believer and you've never been baptized-let's talk about it! If you've made a commitment with God, stick with it and get encouragement from other believers. 

3.  Bring a Friend or Family to the Weekend Services 
The weekend is a place where your friends or family can hear about God's love. 
If you don't invite them, who will?

4.  Get plugged into a Bible Study Group
Every Sunday morning () we have Sunday School for all ages...
...And Yes, even for the Parents.
Sunday evenings at youth meet to hangout and have a devotion.
Wednesday evenings at : Youth Worship in the sanctuary and Adults meet for a bible study.

5.  Go to Class!
Yes we do have church on Sunday mornings at . But there's nothing like getting plugged in with a group of believers your age. This would be Sunday School Classes. With that comes great fellowship and learning of God's Word.

6.  Develop the HABITS you need to grow in your Faith.
Having a Quiet Time with God (this is a relationship with Him & should be #1 priority)   
Being Active in a Church
Seek advice from a mature Christian
Have a Mentor / Accountability Partner
Live for God!

7.  Look for ways to serve
God is always looking for ways you can help. Through greeting people on Sunday mornings, singing in the choir, Wednesday's Open Mic & helping at events.

8.  Get Involved in Youth Events/Outings
Lots of planning goes into a one night event and no single person can make this happen.
What better people to be involved with your student than you the parent/guardian.
Even youth are encouraged to help plan things before the event.

9.  Join our Youth Committee or other church committee(s) 
We're looking for parents & students who are serious about their faith and making a difference on their campus and in their world. We're not for perfect people (they don't exist), just passionate leaders with hearts for God. This starts with the simplest things and can even lead to sitting down with a student to pray with them. Contact Matthew for more info...

10.  Listen To God
God is ready to work in your life, be willing to follow the plan He has for you.

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