Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How do I share my testimony?

I've had several students want some extra tips on how to write out their testimony, here's a few I found online. Hope this helps. If you want, comment back and tell me yours!

1 - Realize the Power of Your Christian Testimony
And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. 
2 - Study an Example of a Testimony from the Bible
Read Acts 26 – Paul’s testimony

3 - Spend Time in Thought Preparation
There are a few things to consider before you start writing your testimony. Think about your life before you met the Lord. What was going on in your life leading up to you accepting Christ? What problems or needs were you facing at the time? How did your life change after that?

4 - Start with a Simple 3-Point Outline
The outline focuses on before you trusted Christ, how you surrendered to him, and the difference since you've been walking with him.
Simply tell what your life was like before you surrendered to Christ. What were you searching for before coming to know Christ? What was the key problem, emotion, situation or attitude you were dealing with? What motivated you? What were your actions? How did you try to satisfy your inner needs? (Examples of inner needs are loneliness, fear of death, insecurity.)
How did you accept Christ? Simply tell the events and circumstances that caused you to consider Christ as the solution to your searching. Take time to identify the steps that brought you to the point of trusting Christ. Where were you? What was happening at the time? What people or problems influenced your decision?
How has your life in Christ made a difference? How has his forgiveness impacted you? How have your thoughts, attitudes and emotions changed? Share how Christ is meeting your needs and what a relationship with him means to you now.

5 - Important Tips to Remember
•Stick to the point. You meeting Christ and your new life in Christ should be the main points.
•Be specific. Include events, genuine feelings and personal insights that clarify your main point. This makes your testimony tangible - something others can relate to.
•Be current. Tell what is happening in your life with God now, today.
•Be honest. Don't exaggerate or dramatize your life for effect. The simple truth of what God has done in your life is all the Holy Spirit needs to convict others of their sin and convince them of his love and grace.

6 - Things to Avoid
Stay away from "Christianese" phrases. These "foreign" or "churchy" words can alienate listeners and readers and keep them from identifying with your life. 

also check out this website

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