Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Well school has started and I'm sure parents are excited! As for the students some are excited and some are…well, they're just there.
I had the chance to go visit the students and teachers Friday during lunch/recess. A lot of new faces in Jr High and a lot of familiar faces in High School, yet so many I don't know.
So as the school year kicks off we'll start kicking off our Youth Nights and Events again. I wanted to post a few things that were coming up in the next month.

Wednesday Night Worship @ 7pm in the Sanctuary 
Students 6th to 12th grade

Girl Talk at 6:30pm before Wednesday night Worship  
Girls from 6th grade to 12th grade meet for a devotion and refreshments

The Forge (DNOW) August 19 & 20 - (Sign Up Now!)

Game Night - August 27th - Holden Jr High Gym 
(...more detail coming soon)

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