Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Final Quarter

Yeah we're coming to the end of the basketball season. Last Friday night was the last Friday night home game for the Rockets and with that it was also the last 5th Quarter for the 2011-2012 school year. Bigger than ever before students raided the church parking lot and fellowship. A counter full of 2-liters, boxes of pizza stacked up high, mini corn dogs, pizza rolls, chips, desserts and not a crumb left.
Well there were some crumbs!

For entertainment, Lirocchi mixed it up with a play list that had Mrs. Dorthy rockin'. Game systems took up one wall of the fellowship hall where a dancing flash mob gathered to see who was the best at Just Dance 3. Further down some students took the controllers to battle it out in Halo and Call of Duty MW3. Outside students hung out playing basketball, football and the random game of ninja.

These events may seem crazy and may be a lot of preparation and work but they're well worth it. See there is a great misconception that Christians don't have any fun. Well that’s not the case with our 5th Quarters. God never meant for His believers not to enjoy life and have fun. God never says, “Thou shalt not have fun, nor shalt thou smile in all thy days.” We've had the opportunity to share life and to open the doors for any student to come in and enjoy it with us.  Maybe even the chance to show the love of Christ that was given to us through the cross. Through these events we've had several students come back to join us during regular worship services. So if you've taken any party in these 5th Quarter Youth Events know that you've taken part in sharing the love of Christ.
We should also give thanks to God through Jesus Christ for the fun and entertainment He provides.
Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.

I want to personally thank anyone that has put time, money, or prayers into these events.
Thank You!

PS: Yes we will still have monthly youth nights!

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