Thursday, March 31, 2011


Well we've finished the FAITH series.
I thought I'd recap, of course you could just scroll down and get it all week by week but here it is.
     We've all sinned and need God's forgiveness
A is for AVAILABLE but it's not AUTOMATIC so you have to ACCEPT God's gift
     God's forgiveness is available to everyone
     It is impossible to get to Heaven on your own
T is for TURN
    We must turn from our sinful way of living and start a new life in Christ Jesus.
H is for HEAVEN
John 3:16  For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Our challenge is that we will not hold this gift that was given freely to us. Scripture tells us to go forth and make disciples. I challenge anyone to share this message with someone, with everyone. Will it be easy? Maybe, Maybe Not.

But the Bible tells us that we can do all thing through Christ that gives us strength.
Be Bold and remember to love others like Christ loves you.

A simple question that you could ask someone.

What do you think it takes to get to Heaven?

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