Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Epic Dating: Unequally Yoked

Judges 13,14,15, & 16 
Samson and Delilah

Some signs to know if your relationship is unequally yoked
1. When the person you are in a relationship with notices you are becoming too clingy.
- Do they enjoy it and love it?
- Or put your focus back on God where it should be?

2. Since you have been in the relationship, have you found yourself sinning against God more now than before?

3. How often does the person you’re are in a relationship with initiate spiritual things such as: prayer, devotion, Bible studies, and witnessing?
- Guys: Bro can you lead her?
- Girls: Can you support him?
- When they are initiated, what’s the attitude behind it?

4. Are there some areas in your life where you know that you could not have grown in without this person’s consistent spiritual help and advice?
- Are they helping you grow?
- Do they have the maturity to help you grow?

5. Ask 4 or your closest spiritual friends, if they honestly believe that your walk with God has improved or declined since this relationship.

6. Ask the same 4 people, if your personal calling in ministry has been hindered by this relationship.
- Is your spiritual calling neglected?

7. Ask your boyfriend/girlfriend’s 2 closest friends: in what ways has the relationship hindered or blessed their friend spiritually.

8. Ask some people at the church what kind of example has your relationship set at the church.
- If people don’t know then maybe it’s a sign—shouldn’t your relationship be something that everyone can see and be blessed by?
- Is your relationship example?

9. Can you give at least 5 Biblical reasons that the person you are in a relationship with is born again?

10. If the person you are in a relationship with knew that your walk with God is being hindered by the relationship, does he/she love God enough to step away from you for a season or permanently so that you can get your walk with God together?
- That should be the most important thing to your partner: Your walk with God.

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