Wednesday, April 4, 2012

EPIC Dating: Myths of Dating (Part 4 of 4)

Myth #4: It’s nothing serious we’re just dating.
Have you ever heard someone say,
“We just go out for fun”  or  “I’d never get serious with him”.
Thing is you don’t have a whole lot of control over who you fall for.

- All it takes is the right words, her head on your shoulder during the chick flick, hand in the popcorn at the same time, that glance into each others eyes, and BAM! You’re falling for them.
- You think it takes a movie? Try church camp…That’s why we separate you on the bus.    
   Six hrs sitting beside each other on a bus and you come back home engaged.

“But hey it’s nothing physical”
Well lets get physical…
Your goofing around on the couch during a movie night (by the way is one of the most dangerous date nights ever) Parents are crazy (mine included) if they think their kid needs their dating space and leaves them alone in the Living Room or allows access to the bedroom.

The “tickle/flirting/wrestling” match begins, “hehehe”.
Then before you know it, both hands have join the “so innocent game”.
Before you know you’ve embraced her in your arms, your eyes have met, and BAM!
You go in for the kiss! Or she smacks the crap out of you for trying that.
-Maybe you find this as not a bad thing,
Let me give you the definition of what these “tickle/flirting/wrestling’ games are.
Webster Dictionary: An action or behavior that precedes an event.

Webster's Dictionary continued: usually include compliments, subtle comments and intimate conversations, they can include provocative clothing and gestures, suggestive postures and motions,  standing or being inside a partner's personal space, and holding a gaze longer than would be expected from only a casual interest.
Webster's Dictionary: actions preceding sexual intercourse

The word defined is FOREPLAY, sounds alot like that little game to me

This is for married people, and yet many dating relationships toy around with this game. Yet we say it’s nothing serious. This is playing at the door step of a sexual relationship!

But Honestly: What’s the risk?
The possibilities of a physical dating relationship?
What’s the bases of Dating? If you start off on first base in your Junior High Years and advance one base each year, where do you expect your relationship to be in a few years?
Do you think it would be godly? Years later there's a possibility that you've been around the bases a few times and possibly with different relationships. Most probably broken.

This isn't the qualities you want to have. Someone that literally "Gets Around"
So what we need is to be careful who those choices are --- or who you let choose you.

Does it matter if I date a believer or non-believer? Think about God’s Standards
2 Corinthians 6:14-17
Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever?  And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God.
As God said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD.  Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you.

The Bible is not saying don’t talk with them or you can’t be their friend, if that were the case we’d all be lost. Some Christian took the time to share Christ with us. But guard you heart, your emotions, & your bodies be careful who you link yourself to.

As a believer, you are made up of Body, Soul, and Spirit. If you are not a believer you’re spiritually dead. A believer and non-believer’s relationship can never be a complete relationship. This doesn’t make you a better person, just one that knows God and one that doesn’t know Him. Their relationship can never be a complete relationship. They can only have things in common physically or mentally. 2/3rds  You may have things in common but a spiritual relationship won’t work. You will either split ways, fall back or fall in.
Now I know you’re intentions are “I’ll save them”.
-Your passion for the lost is wonderful but do you need to date them at the same time?
This will only get in the way and it’s dangerous.
-And are you only “Getting them saved” so you can date them?
Just some questions to ask your self.
*I can promise you God is not going to bless your circumstances when your intentions are focused on getting a girlfriend or boyfriend. He knows the truth.

Fall Back/ Fall In : If you’re a believer…
Fall in means you know how to live your old sinful life, it wont take much to fall back into your old ways. We already know how to have a sinful life (we’re experienced). They have no idea how to have a spiritual life and whats scary is you might not either, you may not be aware of how that relationship works either!  The problem is it’s much easier to just fall in to your old ways.

When you’re not complete and married to a non-believer there will be decisions:
– big decisions like where to live, what job to work, how to raise children, you would be the only one desiring to please God and do what is right in His eyes if you were married to an unbeliever. The problem is you’ll probably just give in after awhile or split ways.

2 Corinthians 4:18
So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

Marriage is Forever, a union under God between man and woman and God needs to be in both lifes. If not there will be problems later.

We can’t see the big picture, but its so important for your date/partner to be a believer, someone with your standards that you’ve set.
Don’t let the charm get you now and Don’t settle!
Because that’s your future and those things will last forever!

There would be major conflict in a life of a believer if you didn’t recognize these things now.

The person you link yourself to in a relationship says volumes about your walk with God!!!
Who you date does matter. .
I hope you just didn’t hear a bunch of rules. I hope what you heard is that God has guidelines & principles for relationships.
To have a godly relationship and marriage it’s important to take these and apply them to your life.

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