Thursday, May 10, 2012

Congrats Seniors of 2012

Psalm 32:8
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you."

Proverbs 3:6
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

Yes it's that time of the year again. This year is a little different as we have a hand full of graduates that I've grown so close to. It seems just like yesterday that they were starting out in our student ministry, they were still just kids and now they've grown to be young men and women ready to head out into the real world. Just last week I looked at some pictures from past camps and events. There were times we cried together, times we laughed, times we got angry and I had to be a mediator, there were times we prayed, and times I just listened and even times where I told them they just needed to listen. All out of love, I would do anything for these guys.

I look back at the time I met some of them.

I remember meeting Blake, the boy from Chalmette. I remember the difficulties with the storm and the move but several guys quickly befriended him and made Holden his home. Yeah he was just a little guy at that time but I've watched him grow into the man he is today. He learned that God has a plan for everyone, we might not understand it as its playing out but eventually it will become clear. I remember the first time I listened to him share his testimony about how God has placed him here in Holden. I thought for the first time "He's got it" now all you have to do is give him a microphone. Blake, I pray that you draw close to God in these next steps of your life and you let Him continue to guide you through them. His will is best, we just need to trust in where He leads us. Blake, I watched as you headed off to basic training, I remember reading your letter that you sent to me. My heart was so filled with joy as I read how you were in the word and sharing Christ with others while you were there. Continue to do that wherever you go.

Aaron, I really haven't had much time to get to know you,   but you were the guy that went to the church that was doing the book Radical. I remember after you started coming to our youth group, your pastor Trey asked me how you were doing and asked if we were taking care of you. I haven't forgot that, I've taken it as a personal responsibility to make sure you continue to have a relationship with Christ. In saying that, you have people that care about you and your relationship with God. I've had the opportunity to get to know you a little at camp last year and by the way we still have room on the bus for this year! Now you're headed off to join the campus life. I pray that you take your relationship with God with you, and get yourself plugged into a good Christian group at LSU. The LSU BCM is a great group. 

Trey, oh Trey! It’s so funny looking back at your pictures. I remember you coming in with Josh Hathorn as the little kid that could free style rap. You used to be shy back then and it took a while for you to get in front of people and sing. It seems like you've been here forever. I've watched you grow up and move through our youth ministry. I know I've given you plenty advice on girls and life and I pray that you were listening and took it to heart. I won't go any further with that. I know you hear a lot of it and it seems like I'm hard on you at times, but it’s because I love you. I also remember crying together at camp (boy was I a wuss). Na, it’s all good. I think through those times we both grew together knowing that God can comfort and set us free from the things Satan uses to hold us down. Remember that through life, Satan lost that battle but that doesn't mean he won't try again. Remember that whatever life brings you, God can get you through it. Listen to the guidance He brings you. God has also given you a gift to minister with, use it for His glory, praising Him at all times and putting Him first in all you do.

James, I still can't remember the moment you entered our ministry, however I learned quickly that you were my neighbor and it gave me the opportunity to offer you rides to church. Wow, the hours we've had driving and talking as I've gotten to know you. The long talks in the church parking lot and at your house in the driveway. Then you got your license and came puttin' down the road with your mom in the little car. That was a scary sight, but you were growing up! Quickly. You soon started sprouting the "Mott Chops", started to perfect the drums (don't let your head swell too much) and even let me show you the coolness of the fohawk, and then you gathered interest in girls. Oh geez,   that's another subject! You've grown in your relationship with God and you've learned what will trip you up from having that relationship with God. I pray that you stay focused on that relationship. Step back in all cases and ask "God does this please You and will this bring me closer to You?" James, remember to live for Christ; not for the moment.

Tayler, it seems like it has been a short time. Yet it seems like I know you so well. I pray God does amazing things in your life. I've watched a young man accept Christ into his life and run with it. At times I was running to keep up with you, even when I had the opportunity to baptize you. That was the first time I had someone dunk themselves! The joy on your face was priceless though and then you ran out of the water to find your loved ones to give them a hug. I know you have a burden for the lost; those who are dear to you and those that we don't even know. We've cried and prayed for those around us and I will continue to lift them up in my prayers. I've had the chance to disciple you and you've turned that around and started to disciple others. You've started the Man Up group and have those young men engaging into God's word and learning what it is to be a Man of God. We will surely miss you as you move onto the next part of your journey.

Torey, you were in that original bunch with Josh Hathorn and Trey. You've always have been quiet when it comes to getting to know you. But give you the floor to entertain people and you always make us laugh. You love to have a good time even when it comes to the guy's camping trips. I think you learned a valuable lesson that night. But those are times we will remember forever. Torey, I pray God leads you through these next stages of life. I pray that you follow Him as well. You as well have a talent and gift for music; use it for the glory of God.

Angela, our Miss Independent Firecracker! I've told you time and time again that you remind me of Anna. Yeah y'all have some characteristics that yall share but you're Angela. I can't help but remember you as coming into the youth ministry as Trey's girlfriend. I looked at a picture the other day of you when you had your blonde hair and braces. Yes, I know I brought up the past but you were so young and as I look at some of our Junior High Girls now I wonder if one day I'll be referencing your name to them...."You remind me so much of Angela" Yeah that's just weird! Maybe life won't bring you to far away and I can let you talk to them. Angela, I know we've talked plenty of times about how life plays out and how some of the things God has for us will always be a mystery. But I think through these times He is there to lead us and make us stronger. Continue to follow God, put Him as the top priority in your life and everything else He will work out.

Jessica, I met you at the lunch room table at the school one day. I imagine you were probably thinking "Who is this guy and what does he want?" But you were all smiles and friendly as can be. Later, through Amanda I realized you were the older sister of the bunch. And then we just started seeing more of you. Jessica, you've always had something special about you, and then I realized it was Christ living inside. He's given you a gift to lead others and you've taken on the task of our girls in our youth group. Through the past 7 years I haven't seen many students take something and claim it as theirs. But through this I've seen the passion and heart you have for these girls, our youth group and God. I'm not sure where your journey may lead you, but I know God will use you in wonderful ways.

Sara, you've always been quiet. I remember you as the little girl in the children Christmas plays and even the pictures we found of you at VBS with your white hair and rosy cheeks. I started to get to know you and your sidekick Sarah as yall got comfortable in our youth ministry. Then I started praying for you, something was missing about you and it came out to be a true relationship with God. This past summer, God answered those prayers and placed it upon your heart to get right with Him. What a joy it was to have part in God's plan and to be there to help you in that part of life. I know your sister and I have prayed for you and continue to pray for you as you continue in your relationship with Christ. The next steps ahead in your journey of life will be interesting and I pray that you let Christ continue to lead you. I know your sister will be there whenever you need her and she sets a good example to follow. I'm excited to see where God will lead you.

Chelsey, I think I've known you the longest. Your brothers were starting out in the youth group and you were just a little girl in CC's children’s class. I remember every Wednesday bringing y'all home. I've had the opportunity to watch all of you grow up and I've also walked through a lot of life's ups and downs with you. I remember the first time you went to camp. You would have thought we took you from your mom and told you that you'd never see her again!   I remember staying with you that entire first day and after dinner you coming to me and telling me that I could go now. I remember that you taught me the correct way to do the "Cobra" and now I use that illustration in my sermons. I've seen those eyes roll plenty of times. I know life has thrown some curve balls at you, but keep your head up and continue to follow Christ.

Yall have all been a big part of our life and we want you to know that we will always be here for you. I'll always claim you as my own. I was told awhile back when I started in the ministry that "You're a minister to them not a friend". Let me say this, its hard not to be friend to a group that you care for and love so much. Wherever the journey of life may take you, always stay in touch with us. I want to continue to watch and help you grow in Christ wherever you might be. I want to see you succeed in your careers and one day marriage. It’s been a journey and definitely a blessing!
Your Minister and Friend,

One last thing. I ask that you pass the torch.

For the past several years I've taken the light that is living in me and have passed it to you. Through Christ living in me, I've taught, discipled, ministered, listened and loved. I ask that you turn that around and do the same to others that you may cross paths with. Leave a great impression on them, not for your own glory but for the glory of God.

Matthew 5:14-16
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Philippians 2:12-18
Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless. But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy. Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share your joy.

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